Where The Magic Happens
Current Serving YGS Council Members
At the Yorkshire Geological Society, we pride ourselves on being diverse, friendly & inclusive. Below is a list of current YGS council members, once you know who we are, come & say hello when you see us at events (or even in the street!).
Mike Rogerson| Grants Secretary
I am interested in how the Earth works. I’ve always followed my curiosity, and at different times have looked at movement of water between ocean basins, recolonisation of the tops of marine avalanches by microorganisms, how petrifying springs work, cleaning up hyperalkaline pollution, rainfall changes in northern Africa and the Mediterranean, icebergs in the North Pacific and the carbon flow between bedrock and surface water. Surprisingly, I’ve been using the same tools in all these studies, through investigating the chemistry of sediment, especially limestone and similar carbonate bodies. Carbonate makes up the shells of microorganisms I use to study changes in the ocean, are the major mineral forming in freshwater springs, rivers and lakes, forms a sink for hyperalkaline pollution and carries most of the inorganic carbon in the Earths crust. Carbonate geochemistry is a really diverse area to work in, and there are always surprising new things to learn!
For YGS, I look after our portfolio of Grants, including the Research Grant, Fearnsides Award, Geoscience Communications Grant, Postgraduate Conference Grant, and Undergraduate Bursary. If you would like more information on any of those schemes, contact me at YGSgrants@yorksgeolsoc.org.uk