Where The Magic Happens
Current Serving YGS Council Members
At the Yorkshire Geological Society, we pride ourselves on being diverse, friendly & inclusive. Below is a list of current YGS council members, once you know who we are, come & say hello when you see us at events (or even in the street!).
Andrew Bloodworth| Council Member
Originally from South Yorkshire, I am a geologist with 40 years experience working on issues related to mineral resources, and latterly at the interface between science and policy. My own interests include UK resource security, critical minerals and the impact of mining on low- and middle-income countries. I have worked extensively in the developing world, with particular emphasis on strengthening institutions and building capability to promote effective and transparent mineral resource management.
Until I retired from full-time work in April 2023, I was the Policy Director of British Geological Survey (BGS) and up to 2019, I was BGS Science Director for Minerals and Waste
I am an Honorary Research Associate at BGS and I chair the UK Minerals Forum