Join the Yorkshire Geological Society
Owing to its combination of classic geological exposures and landforms, rich industrial heritage and active scientific community, few regions of the world have contributed as much to the geological sciences as Yorkshire and the north of England.
If you’re interested in the geology of the north of England, or just enjoy marvelling at the landscape and want to meet other friendly like-minded people, why not consider becoming a member of the Yorkshire Geological Society?

One For All & All For One…..
We are always seeking new members to become involved with Society activities, and we are proud to say that our members have a great range of interests, expertise and ages; and we openly welcome anyone with an interest in the geology or landscape of our region.
To reflect the diverse nature of our members, we offer varying categories of membership, as outlined in the Rules of the Society. The membership form should be completed and sent to the Membership Secretary at the address included on the membership form.
When you apply to join the Society, we will ask for your consent to store and process your contact information so we can provide you with the services and benefits listed above. Please see our Members' Privacy Policy for more information about how we will manage and use your Personal Data.
If you have any queries regarding membership; or would like to discuss anything with us, please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information
Benefits of being a YGS Member
YGS Meetings & Events
Free attendance to an exciting array of YGS indoor meetings and field excursions across the region. What’s more, you’ll get regular reminders & updates from us about upcoming events.
Opportunities to get involved with specialist interest groups and participate in ongoing works to restore and preserve sites of potential geological interest / heritage across the region.
Access to a diverse network of friendly enthusiastic people ranging from beginners to professional geologists / geoscientists.
Meet people from across the Geoscience community, from amateurs & enthusiasts through to professional & retired geologists.
Stay In The Loop
A chance to keep up to date with ongoing research in numerous areas of geology and geoscience, and hear firsthand lectures from knowledgeable professionals.
The YGS uses multiple communications & social media platforms so that you can get information whichever way is most convenient for you. This includes a printed copy of our Circular, containing society news and abstracts of our lectures and field trips.
Get Out & About
The chance to get face-to-face with geological sites across the region on our many field trips, and get insight into the geology beneath your feet, including how the rock units formed and how they’ve evolved throughout time.
Learning & Research
Online access to the internationally renowned Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society (PYGS), including free access to the complete digital back catalogue, from 1839. If you wish to opt-in to receive a printed copy of PYGS please contact our Membership Secretary (membership@yorksgeolsoc.org.uk)
Discounted GSL publications
A discount of 40% off the list price of books in the Geological Society of London Special Publications series. Details of how to order using your discount, and an order form, are available here (NB. Discounts are not available via the Geological Society’s online bookshop).
How to Apply
Please download Membership Form. This will need to completed and returned to the YGS Membership Secretary (by e-mail or post, see form for details) to activate your subscription and receive the benefits of membership. Please note that it may take a few days for your online subscription to Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society to be activated. Payment methods are shown below.
How to pay:
using PayPal
Select your membership category below. Returning members who wish to pay their renewal can also use the PayPal links below, please ensure that you also inform our Membership Secretary that you have paid (email Membship@yorksgeolsoc.org.uk)
Ordinary Member
Our standard package, enjoy all the benefits of YGS membership. Including online access to Proceedings of The Yorkshire Geological Society (PYGS).
Student Member
Available to anyone under the age of 21 or in full-time education, enjoy all the benefits of ordinary membership at less than half price.
(please note that anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult)
Ordinary Member (over 65)
All the benefits of Ordinary membership for persons over 65 (on 1st January in the year of application or renewal). Includes online access to PYGS.
or by bank transfer
Please download and complete the application form, email this along with a request to pay by bank transfer to Membership@yorksgeolsoc.org.uk
by cheque
If you prefer to pay by cheque, please download and complete an application form and post with your cheque to the Membership Secretary at the address on the form.
Why not Gift Aid your membership fees?
As a charity the Society can recover through the Gift Aid , provided that you pay United Kingdom Income or Capital Gains tax equal to at least the tax we reclaim (usually 25p on each £1 you give).
Download a forms below and send it alongside your membership form to membership@yorksgeolsoc.org.uk.
Currently, about 15% of the Society’s income comes via reclaiming Gift Aid and by completing this form it would greatly benefit the Society at no cost to the you.
If you are an existing member and are unsure whether you have already submitted a Gift Aid Declaration Form then contact membership@yorksgeolsoc.org.uk.