Where The Magic Happens
Current Serving YGS Council Members
At the Yorkshire Geological Society, we pride ourselves on being diverse, friendly & inclusive. Below is a list of current YGS council members, once you know who we are, come & say hello when you see us at events (or even in the street!).
John Knight| Vice President
John Knight is familiar to many of the membership from his earlier term as President 2014-2016. He graduated in 1968 with a Combined Honours degree in Botany and Geology from the University of Aston-in-Birmingham, and then undertook research at the University of Sheffield for his doctorate. This research in the palaeobotany, structure and sedimentology of a working coalfield in northern Spain led to a number of years of employment in the Spanish coal industry, before return to England to work in the British Coal Opencast Executive in Northumberland. He subsequently moved to the international consultancy arm of British Coal Corporation and has spent the greater part of his career in mining consultancy, on projects in many parts of the world working on a wide range of commodities, including base and precious metals in addition to coal and stratiform deposits. He has retained an active research interest related to his early work in Spain and is an Honorary Research Associate in the Centro Paleobotánico of the Royal Botanical Garden of Córdoba, Spain. He joined the Society in 1968, as a postgraduate responsible for making tea for the general meetings held in Sheffield; he has served on Council since 2004, as Programme Secretary from 2011-2013.