Building Stones of York city centre
Leader: Paul Hildreth
A circular walk of about 2-hours duration mainly along a route free from vehicular motor traffic. The city’s buildings are dominated by Magnesian Limestone but there are many examples of more exotic rocks which are often tied in with York’s long and varied history. There will also be an opportunity to consider the impact of changing transport, fashion and availability of materials on the city’s architecture and infrastructure. Don’t miss the opportunity of visiting the site of an example of ‘three-in-one rock’, ‘shopfrontite’ and a piece of Cumbria set in the heart of York’s commercial district.
Special clothing and footwear are not necessary but please be prepared for the vagaries of the Yorkshire weather. The nature of the terrain and the planned pace of the event make this an easy, low- exertion exercise. If travelling to York by car you are advised to use the city’s excellent Park and Ride service.
Places are limited to YGS members only. Further details and joining instructions are available on registration.
Register by email to . Please include the name of the field trip you wish to attend, and your full name and telephone contact number (preferably mobile). It would be helpful to include your YGS membership number (if you know it).