YGS Mini Field Trips
Guidance for Participants
As a registered charity and organiser of these events, YGS is required to put in place a number of risk management measures to ensure that we comply with Covid-Secure guidelines. Many of these are already standard practice for YGS trips. Additional risk controls will be stated on the risk assessment for each trip.
Trips are limited to 6 participants including the leader.
Registration is required to manage numbers, places are offered to YGS Members only, on a first-come-first-served basis.
On registration, you will be sent a risk assessment and joining instructions for the trip.
We will keep a reserve list of up to 5 others who will be offered places if registered participants drop out.
We will keep a record of your name and contact telephone number for NHS Test and Trace purposes.
If you are not able to attend the event for any reason (including those listed below), please let the leader know as soon as possible by email, so that some-one on the reserve list can be offered your place.
Please do not attend if……..
You, or anyone else in your household, have symptoms of Covid-19, or have tested positive for the virus in the last 14 days
You are self-isolating for any reason
You are in quarantine after travelling outside the UK
You are travelling from a location subject to local lockdown restrictions that forbid travel outside the area of risk
You feel generally unwell
General safety guidance for each trip
All field trips involve a degree of personal risk, but awareness of hazards, use of common sense and thought for others can greatly reduce this risk. Every participant on a field trip has a duty of care and attention to all other participants and members of the public.
There will be a safety briefing at the start of each event, and your attendance will be recorded by the leader. You will not be asked to sign a conventional register.
Please bring a face covering and hand sanitiser. The leader may wear a face covering while he/she is demonstrating outcrop or landscape features to the party. Use by other party members is optional, but remember you will need to wear a face covering if you stop at any retail outlets en route. Use hand sanitiser after passing round any samples or equipment.
Please maintain gov.uk recommended social distancing from other party members and the general public at all times, and converse with other participants side to side rather than face to face.
Avoid sharing vehicles to and from the event unless with members of your household or support bubble.
After the trip – NHS Test and Trace
Please retain a copy of the contact details of the leader and the YGS General Secretary (provided on the risk assessment) for 21 days after the event.
We will keep your Test and Trace details for 21 days, then delete. If you test positive for Covid-19 during that period, or if you are otherwise contacted by NHS Test and Trace, please inform them that you attended a YGS event and provide them with the name and contact details of the leader and YGS General Secretary, as on the risk assessment.
The leader may cancel the trip at short notice, this may be less than 24 hours. You will be contacted by email (and by phone if notice less than 24 hours) so please monitor your inbox in the run up to the trip.
Additional Guidance from UK Government
Staying Alert and Safe (Social Distancing)
NHS Test and Trace