The Legacy of Arthur Raistrick
Scientist, Author, Visionary, Dalesman
Indoor meeting (Saturday) & Field Meetings (Sunday)
In partnership with local societies and the Yorkshire Dales National Park
The Devonshire Institute, Grassington
48 Main St, Grassington, BD23 5AZ
Indoor meeting 09:00 - 17:00 Saturday 20th July
Field trips and excursions from 10:00 Sunday 21st July
Non-members welcome!
Registration closes 18th July.
After this date you will be able to register in person on the day (subject to availability and Cash Only)
Dr Arthur Raistrick 1896-1991 was one of the most remarkable scientists and polymaths of the Yorkshire Dales of the twentieth century, perhaps of all time. His prolific output – with over 330 books and research paper published in his long lifetime - is without equal. But even more significant was his pioneering work in so many different fields, in glacial geology, palynology, field and industrial archaeology, especially lead mining in his native Dales. In addition Raistrick was one greatest interpreters of Dales historic landscapes, as evidenced by his authorship of several classic books. He is also still revered as an influential teacher and lecturer, one of the founding fathers of the UK National Park and Access to the Countryside movement, a gentle yet radical Quaker whose uncompromising principles shaped his life and career in quite extraordinary ways.
(Colin Speakman)
This weekend event is to recognise a life’s work that today influences our understanding and enjoyment of the Yorkshire Dales and beyond!
Saturday will consist of a programme of talks and discussion on the life and work of Arthur Raistrick, inlcuding speakers who knew and worked with him.
The Life of Dr Arthur Raistrick; ethics and values and a time-line of key stages of a multi-facetted life.
Colin Speakman
Friends of the Dales & YGS
Arthur Raistrick, the Pig Yard Club and mysterious ancient spoons
Tom Lord
Arthur Raistrick’s pioneering contribution to understanding the deglaciation of the Yorkshire Dales
Trevor Faulkner
Quaternary Research Association, YGS
Arthur Raistrick- Britain’s Premier Palynologist
John Marshall
University of Southampton
Dr Arthur Raistrick’s contribution to mining history
Richard Smith
Northern Mine Research Society
Arthur Raistrick and the End of the Antiquarian Tradition in the Yorkshire Dales
Roger Martlew
Yorkshire Archaeology and Historical Society
Late prehistoric and medieval evidence in North Craven: a reassessment of AR as an archaeologist
David Johnson
Yorkshire Archaeology and Historical Society
and more…
The visible and the invisible in the ancient landscape north of Grassington
Led by Roger Martlew
(The Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society)
Lead mining at Greenhow, Underground Visit to Gillfield Mine
Led by Shirley Everett & Richard Clayton
(Greenhow Local History Club)
Excursion to the deglacial features & cave archaeology at Giggleswick Scar
Led by Trevor Faulkner & Tom Lord
(Yorkshire Geological Society)
Arthur Raistrick's home environment
Led by Bernard Peel
(Yorkshire Geological Society)
Landscape and archaeology between Grassington and Conistone
Led by Robert White
(Yorkshire Dales National Park)
Revisiting Raistrick and Conservation of the Industrial Environment
Led by Keith Parker
(Upper Wharfedale Field Society)
The History of Grassington
Led by Phyllida Oates
(Upper Wharfedale Field Society)
In Raistrick’s footsteps on Malham Moor
Led by David Johnson
(The Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society)
Prior registration through Eventbrite is essential.
Tickets for this meeting will be charged at £10.
Your registration for the Saturday event will include a printed programme booklet, light refreshments throughout the day and access to the Sunday field excursions. Money raised will be donated to the Devonshire Institute to help fund essential building works.
After registering for the Saturday you will be sent a link to a page containing further information about the different field trips and details on how to register for these.
Additionally, on Sunday, as part of the event Angela Soper will be at the Grassington Folk Museum running drop in talks - these are open to all members of the public.