Online Field Guides
This page includes conventional field guides, posters or flyers, published as pdfs or as wiki-style pages. The pdfs can be viewed online or downloaded directly onto your mobile device and viewed offline, or printed out, for use in the field. The wiki field guides also offer an option to create a pdf from selected content, such as an individual excursion, for printing or offline viewing.
Yorkshire Rocks and Landscape: a Field Guide. Wikimedia guide available on the British Geological Survey 'Earthwise' platform
Northumbrian Rocks and Landscape: a Field Guide. Wikimedia guide available on the British Geological Survey 'Earthwise' platform
Guide to the Geology of Bempton Cliffs created by YGS for the RSPB
A Virtual Geological Field Trip to Spring Bank Cemetery Hull, by Anne and Mike Horne.
An Introductory Guide to the Geology of the Great Whin Sill and Hadrian's Wall - by Caitlin Leverett .
Field Guide to the Geology of Graves Park, Sheffield, by Andy Howard and Colin Waters