Fancy joining the YGS council?
If you want to have a say in the running of the society then we want to hear from you!
we are always on the lookout for new additions to council either as an ordinary member or in a specific role. Further more, we are looking for a number of people to fulfil shadow council roles. If you are interested in these please get in touch!
See below for the current list of vacant positions on council.
Available posts on council:
Vice President
We are currently looking for a new Vice President for 2023, with the aim to become President in 2024. If you are interested in this position, or know anyone who may be please contact our acting General Secretary or our president
General Secretary
The General Secretary is responsible to the President and the primary representative of Council for general business matters. They will act as a filter for enquiries and communication from both members and non-members through private e-mail, written correspondence, telephone calls or the ‘Squarespace’ messaging facility. Wherever feasible business will then be directed to the member(s) of Council deemed most appropriate.
Click here for a full break down of the roles and responsibilities.
please contact our acting General Secretary on
Publications Secretary
For information on this role please contact our acting General Secretary