Yorkshire Geology Day
National Coal Mining Museum for England, Wakefield
26th April 2025 10:00 - 17:00 BST
Image from JMA Photography
Kicking off Yorkshire Geology month in style!
Activities, stalls, guided tours, talks and more, we’ve got a day planned for all the family!
For Yorkshire Geology Day the YGS and many other geological societies team up with the National Coal Mining Museum for England to celebrate the region’s geology.
There’s lots to see and do including!
Underground walks into the drift mine at 10:30 and 13:00 (Numbers restricted to 12 per walk please book IN ADVANCE via the NCMME Reception Desk 01924 848806 and specify “Geology Tour” when booking)
Surface walks 10:30, 12:00, 14:00 and lasting about 1 hour will leave the Museum (Cafeteria doors) to visit the Water Treatment Lagoon and Hope Pit rock exposure to see a seat earth, coal seam and marine band. Maximum group size 20.
YGS Hub and identification desk
Local Groups and Societies
Situated around the site there will also be ‘The Rock Showman’ offering learning experiences,
rock cutting and polishing, a ‘Make Your Own Fossils’ workshop, the ‘Rock and Coal Show’ in the Pony Discovery Centre, and in an inflated gastropod, ‘The Story Shell’ provided by Barnsley Libraries.
The afternoon offers a series of talks on the theme of ‘The Rocks that built Yorkshire’, a look at some of the materials used in the county’s buildings and other structures. These will follow a presentation, ‘Digging Deeper’, at 1.15pm, on the geology of Caphouse Colliery with a display of plant fossils and coal balls and a demonstration of a model showing coal mine development in relation to coal seams and structure.