Yorkshire Fossil Festival
A weekend of activities and events at Scarborough Spa and the Rotunda Museum
Schools Day: September 16th
General Public: September 17th-18th
10:00 - 16:00 each day
The Yorkshire Fossil Festival returns for it’s 8th year and the YGS is pleased to be a partner in this event, hosted by Scarborough Museums and Galleries.
As usual you can expect a range of stalls, activities and talks from Universities, Museums and Societies.
So far confirmed events and activities include:
‘Jobs That Rock’ careers event organized for Scarborough 6th Form geology and geography students, Friday 16th of September.
The Saturday and Sunday programme includes:
The Palaeontological Association
Oxford University Museum of Natural History,
the Dinosaur Isle Museum
The Geologists’ Association
Giant puppet dinosaurs
And of course the Yorkshire Geological Society!
Professor Chris Jackson will give the Sue & Pete Rawson Lecture, which is aimed at inspiring secondary school pupils to study geoscience,.
Dr. Katie Strang will deliver the William Smith Lecture - Jaws and Jobbies - marking 200 years since the coining of the Carboniferous.
The Rotunda Museum of Geology will be freely open to the public over the weekend, and
Any member willing to help or contribute to the YGS stall should contact the General Secretary. Items that draw in the general public and stimulate conversation and interest are particularly welcome. John Knight will have his trusty, and very popular, rock-cutting and polishing equipment on site and there will be a selection of the Society’s publications