Yorkshire Geological Society AGM
Grants winner conference, President’s reception, annual dinner
and special guest speaker
Prof. Dame Jane Francis(Director for British Antarctic Survey)
Weetwood Hall, Otley Road, Leeds, LS16 5PS
December 7th, 2024 from 13:00 GMT
This year’s AGM will be an extra special event presenting excellent networking opportunities!
This year our annual address will be given by Prof. Dame Jane Francis (Director for the British Antarctic Survey) on Why you need to care about Antarctica.
Antarctica is often described as the refrigerator at the end of the Earth – a thick chunk of ice on a huge block of rock – and considered unlikely to respond to global warming for many years to come, unlike the Arctic. However, more recently we have seen that changes are happening in Antarctica much faster and more dramatically than we ever expected, and with some surprises.
Despite its remote position, changes in Antarctica affect the whole planet. As the land ice melts global sea level rises, the rate now increasing. Melting ice adds freshwater to the ocean, which affects ocean circulation patterns. Extreme temperature changes have been recorded over Antarctica recently, influenced by change in atmospheric circulation from the tropics. Sea ice, which cocoons the continent in a cold blanket in winter, is shrinking, with impacts on the ocean and its important ecosystems that help relieve the carbon load in the atmosphere.
The stability and balance of Antarctica’s systems are now being disturbed by our warming world. We will all feel the effects across the planet.
We are also pleased to welcome some of our recent grant winners to present a poster session on their YGS funded research and outreach activities.
Poster tiles include:
Yuxuan Wang, University of Leeds
"Cooling-induced oceanic deoxygenation drives the mid-Silurian Ireviken extinction event."
Nemi Walding, University of Hull
"The influence of moisture on pyroclastic density current dynamics and deposits: implications for understanding volcanic stratigraphy."
Chris Ogden, University of Leicester
"Exploring Yorkshire Using Passive Seismology: Deploying the Yorkshire Seismograph Network."
Leah Gingell, University of Hull (may not be able to attend in the end)
"Developing a method to investigate waxing and waning behaviours in analogue pyroclastic density currents and their impacts on deposit architecture."
13.00 – 13.45 Coffee/tea and mince pies in Headingley Breakout
14.00 – 15.30 AGM and Awards (including Sorby and Moore medals) in the Cookridge Suite
15.30 – 16.15 Poster session provided by recent YGS grant winners, also tea/coffee with mince pies in Headingly Breakout
16.20 – 17:30 Annual Address to be presented by Prof. Dame Jane Francis (Director for the British Antarctic Survey)
17:30 – 18.00 Poster session provided by recent YGS grant winners
18.00 – 20.30* President’s Reception in the Jacobean Lobby followed by the Annual Buffet Dinner in the Jacobean Room
The buffet will consist of:
Chicken Chasseur
Mushroom Stroganoff
Savoury Rice
*Attendance at the President’s reception and dinner is by ticket only, please contact Paul Hildreth (paul.hildreth@yorksgeolsoc.org.uk) to reserve a place. Tickets are £30pp. there will be a bottle of wine for each table provided with the compliments of the YGS council.
Attendees wishing to stay overnight at Weetwood Hall are advised to contact the hotel directly on 0113 2306000 to make a reservation. Please mention the YGS when booking as you may be offered a special rate.
IMPORTANT - car parking is free, but please ensure you register your car at the hotel reception on arrival!