William Smith Bicentenary Celebration:
Geo Britannica in Northern England (the impact of geology on Northern England)
Indoor meeting
Convened in partnership with the Yorkshire Philosophical Society
Tempest Anderson Hall at the Yorkshire Museum, York YO1 7FR
Saturday 21st September
Outdoor Meeting
Sunday 22nd September
Non-members welcome!
In 1824, William Smith, at the invitation of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, gave the first of what was to be a series of public lectures on his work to develop what we now term biostratigraphy. The lecture was held in York and was soon followed by similar talks in Sheffield and Scarborough.
It is therefore appropriate that the Yorkshire Philosophical and Yorkshire Geological societies have combined to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Smith’s first lectures in York (Saturday indoor event) and in Scarborough (Sunday outdoor events).
For the Saturday event in York, speakers have been invited to cover the work of William Smith from its beginnings, its legacy and its relevance through to the present day. The indoor meeting will culminate in an open discussion of the relevance of Smith’s work, particularly geological mapping, in future research projects.
10.00am Registration
10.45am Introduction Catherine Brophy (YPS Chair)
11.00am The first lectures of William Smith
Colin Speakman
11.35am - The Yorkshire Philosophical Society William Smith Map of 1824 – a unique variant?
Duncan Hawley (History of Geology Group)
12.10pm - “The Miners' Stratigraphy” and the 18th century roots of stratigraphic geology
Ru Smith (University of Malaya)
12.45pm - Lunch Break
14.00pm - Introduction and YGS notices, John Knight (YGS President)
14.10pm - Mapping project
Louis Chambers (Hull University) tbc
14.40pm - Microfossils in Stratigraphy: History and Applications
Duncan McLean (MB Stratigraphy Ltd.)
15.10pm Refreshment Break
15.30pm - Geological Mapping of the Yorkshire Wolds Chalk Group
Laura Austin-Sydes (BGS)
16.00pm - 16.30pm (to be confirmed)
16.30pm - 17.00pm Discussion – Q&A Session
17.00pm Close of Meeting
PLEASE NOTE: there will be a small fee for entry to the Rotunda Museum
The William Smith town trail starting at 11am from at the viewpoint next to Queen Victoria's statue (and the Town Hall) on St. Nicholas Street. The trail will conclude with a visit to the Rotunda Museum.
Starting at 11am with a tour of the Rotunda Museum followed by a search for dinosaur footprints (and other things) in the Middle Jurassic beds of South Bay