The Lower Palaeozoic Rocks of Horton Quarry (Horton-in-Ribblesdale) – update from the Society Field Excursion July 2019
by Nick Riley MBE (YGS President) & John Knight (former YGS President)
Nick Riley and John Knight present some of the results from material investigated by members of the Society who attended the field excursion of 06 July 2019. The visit to the quarry was only possible with the active support of the quarry operator, Hanson Aggregates Ltd, which is gratefully acknowledged. The participation of the then Regional Geologist of the company, John Peate, who co-led this part of the excursion, is warmly thanked. Our objectives and scope of the visit were largely directed by the long term work of Jack Soper (co-leader but unable to attend on the day of the visit).
The talk will aim to present an overview of the regional context of the Lower Palaeozoic succession and its structure, and review the available biostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental context of the graptolite fauna. From the radiometric dating results, the succession can be firmly fixed within the Silurian time scale, which then suggests how the succession should fall within the biostratigraphical framework as defined by graptolite stratigraphy.