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Sustainable Geoscience in Northern England (webinar)

Sustainable Geoscience

in Northern England

This event will be chaired by Dr. Natasha Dowey of Sheffield Hallam University

Saturday 6th November @ 1:00pm -4:30pm


UPDATED Programme:

1:15pm - Developing a Roadmap to Strengthen Geoscience Education for Sustainable Development - by Dr. Munira Raji, University of Hull

1:40pm - Getting into Hot Water - Looking for Critical Metals in East Yorkshire - by Dr. Eddie Dempsey, University of Hull

2:05pm - Potential for geothermal energy projects in Yorkshire - by Dr Emma Bramham, University of Leeds

2:30pm - break

2:45pm - The Impact of Rough Seas on Offshore Wind Turbines - by Dr. Agota Mockute, University of Hull

3:10pm - Bringing Energy Back to the Underground: the essential role of subsurface in net zero - by Dr. Alexandra Gormally-Sutton, Lancaster University

3:35pm - Sustainable Geoscience at the Boulby Underground Laboratory - by Prof. Sean Paling, Boulby Underground Laboratory

4:00pm - Opportunity for further questions to the speakers & extra discussion

4:15pm - Closing remarks & vote of thanks

4:30pm - Webinar closes

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