Major Innovations in the Evolution of Life and Our Planet
Convened by Professor Paul Wignall & Dr Alex Dunhill, University of Leeds.
19th November 2022, 14:00-17:00 GMT
Rupert Beckett Lecture Theatre, Michael Sadler Building, Leeds University
Sinosauropteryx prima (c) Bob Nicholls
2.00pm – 2.05pm Opening remarks
2.05pm – 2.35pm On the rise of atmospheric oxygen, Professor Simon Poulton (University of Leeds)
2.35pm – 3.05pm The origin of feathers, Professor Mike Benton (University of Bristol)
3.05pm – 3.20pm Tea and Coffee break
3.20pm – 3.50pm The greening of Earth: how and when life moved from the seas to the continents, Dr Russell Garwood (University of Manchester)
3.50pm – 4.20pm The origin and early evolution of organ systems, Dr Xiaoya Ma (Exeter University)
4.20pm – 4.50pm The origin and early evolution of mammals, Dr Elsa Panciroli (Oxford Museum of Natural History)
4.50pm – 5.00pm Closing remarks