Adam Sedgwick: Geologist and Dalesman
by Colin Speakman
145 Pages | ISBN
Adam Sedgwick (1785-1873) is one of the great figures of Geology and of Victorian-era British Science. Colin Speakman, already well known for his writings and broadcasts on the Yorkshire Dales, carries the reader from Sedgwick’s humble beginnings in Dent to his academic position of Woodwardian Professor at the University of Cambridge. Because of the detailed research by the author the book will appeal not only to readers with an interest in the history of science but also to those who enjoy a fast-moving and diverse story of success, often against all the odds. Lovers of Yorkshire, and in particular the Dales, will find much to enjoy.
How to Buy
This book is for sale online (PayPal), by mail order and cheque, and at Yorkshire Geological Society meetings
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Please click here to download the order form (for printing, completing and sending via the post). Price £12.50 including standard delivery, £13.50 recorded delivery.
At YGS Meetings
The book will be on sale at YGS Indoor meetings, price £10.00 (cash only). For details of our indoor meetings programme please click here.
About The Author
Colin Speakman has at various times been a teacher, lecturer, National Park officer, County Tourist Officer and public transport consultant. Award winning writer and environmentalist, he is a poet and author or co-author of over 60 books, mainly about walking and the countryside, but perhaps he is best known as co-founder of the Dales Way long distance footpath between Yorkshire and the Lake District.
Also by Colin Speakman:
We are delighted to announce that the latest book by Colin Speakman is now available to purchase.
This absorbing book shares John Phillips’s passion for the Yorkshire landscape, and in both word and image retraces his footsteps through Dales, Moors and Coast. It suggests how Phillips was an inspirational force behind Britain’s National Park and outdoor movement, one of the great early interpreters of the Yorkshire landscape who has influenced later generations in countless ways.
This book is also about another side of John Phillips – the pioneer walker-writer and artist. Having tramped thousands of miles in geological wanderings, Phillips produced two of the best early guidebooks to Yorkshire, including one of the world’s first-ever railway guidebooks.